AWS Device Farm integration

The AWS Device Farm (ADF) integration is ideal for unattended testing, where you are unsure of which devices will be available at the time of the test. This topic describes how to set up your environment to work with the Amazon Device Farm.

In this topic:

Set up the ADF server

To set up your Amazon environment:

  1. Make sure you have an active Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. If you do not have one, create a new account. AWS Device Farm should be set up for this account. For details, see Setting up AWS Device Farm in the Amazon Web Services documentation.
  2. Open the Amazon EC2 console. In the navigation bar, select the Oregon or Frankfurt region. Search for the UFTM_ADF_Server_2022.0 Amazon Machine Image (AMI), or use the AMI ID number to search for this image:
    Oregon: ami-0b6b6adf216d72c0f
    Frankfurt: ami-0d33034029d92769d

  3. Launch an EC2 instance. A t2.medium instance type is recommended.
  4. Configure the instance details if required. Usually there is no need to change the default configuration.
  5. In the Configure Security Group, add a security group to allow secure connections. In the Inbound tab, create an HTTPS rule to allow inbound traffic on port 443, from any IP address, or  from your (public) IP addresses only.
  6. Launch the instance.
  7. In the list of instances, select the instance to view its properties.

    1. Open the IP address link in a browser to verify that the UFT Mobile ADF server is running.

    2. If it does not run, log into the instance and restart the server using the following command: 

      Copy code
      sudo service UFTM restart

      Verify again.

  8. The connection to the ADF server is a secure SSL connection. If you intend using the ADF server's self-signed certificate, copy the IPv4 Public IP from the Description tab of the instance to your clipboard. When using a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate, use the DNS address used to create the CA certificate.

Tip: By associating a fixed IP address with an EC2 machine, you avoid having to change the IP details after reboot. A reboot is only necessary after assigning a fixed AWS Elastic IP to an ADF Server. The reboot is required to regenerate the self-signed certificate on the ADF server installer due the change in the IP address. For details, see the AWS documentation.

Configure UFT Mobile

To configure UFT Mobile to work with the Amazon Device Farm, you need to specify the required settings in Administration Settings.

  1. In UFT Mobile, select the Administration menu and click the Settings tab. In the left panel, select Amazon Device Farm integration.
  2. Enable the ADF connector.
  3. Provide your Amazon secret key. Make sure that your IAM role includes access to the ADF service and S3 access. For details, see IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 in the Amazon Web Services documentation.
  4. Provide the name of the connector that will be used to access the AWS Device Farm or keep the default UFT Mobile Server if connecting via the connector embedded in the UFT Mobile server. The Connector machine's clock must be synchronized with the Internet.
  5. When using a proxy server to access Amazon web services, enter the proxy machine details. Note, that proxy server must be accessible to the ADF connector machine defined above.

  6. In the AWS Device Farm Server Address field, paste the address that you copied to your clipboard when setting up the ADF server.
  7. The connection to the AWS server is a secure SSL connection. When using a self-signed certificate, turn off the ADF server verification setting. When using a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA), enable the setting and import your to the EC2 instance as explained below in Import an SSL certificate from a certified authority: 

Import an SSL certificate from a certified authority: 

Import the certificate to the EC2 instance as follows:

  1. In the terminal window, log in to your EC2 machine and change directory to:
  2. Run ./ to import the authorized certificate to the server.
  3. Enter the current key store password (Default. password) and the password from the CA. This password is generated when creating the PFX file. The CA password becomes the new key store password. Store the password in a safe place for future access.

  4. The CA password becomes the new key store password. Store the password in a safe place for future access.

  5. The script adds a private certificate to keyStoreHpmc and a public certificate to trustStoreHpmc.
  6. Restart the EC2 machine.
    service UFTM restart
  7. Using your web browser, navigate to:
    https://<Public IP address of your EC2 instance>:443/index.html
  8. Validate that the correct CA certificate is displayed in the browser.

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See also: